Thanks for stopping in! Here is another piece of research for you~
Serum Homocysteine Concentration and Risk of Stroke, Perry and Associates, The Lancet. This study followed 5,661 men between between 40 and 59 years of age over a two year period.Out of the 5,661 men, 141 suffered a stroke. Serum homocysteine was available for 107 of the 141 and was compared to 118 controls. The concentration of serum homocysteine was significantly higher for the stroke victims than the controls. The results of this study indicated that increased serum homocysteine is an effective independent risk factor measurement for stroke risk. Clinical information indicates that urine is a much better marker for this test and any value above the mid-line of the lab range should be considered increased (serum or urine).  
To lower homocysteine consider folate (as quatrefolate), B-12 (as as hydroxocobalamin with the intrinsic factor from porcine stomach), P-5-P, B-2 (as riboflavin-5-phosphate, betaine and molybdenum.  *All of these nutrients are components of C.G.F.
Lynn Eidenier